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Get Rid of the Gaps: Can Dental Bonding Eliminate Space Between Teeth?

September 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dave Lee @ 9:05 pm
woman with gap between upper front two teeth

Are you embarrassed by your smile because of the gaps between your teeth? If so, you’re not alone. While orthodontic treatment is a common solution for this problem, you may wonder if there is another way to fill these spaces without bulky, metal braces. Fortunately, dental bonding is considered one of the most effective and affordable methods of cosmetic dentistry, and it’s commonly used to conceal damaged and gapped teeth. Keep reading to discover how this minimally invasive service can give you the confident smile you deserve.

What Can Dental Bonding Treat?

Dental bonding is a reliable cosmetic solution that treats minor imperfections, such as chips, small cracks, and stains.

What you may not realize is that it can also fill in gaps that form between teeth. But before it can be applied, a cosmetic dentist must determine the size of the space. If it is too large, traditional orthodontics or a clear aligner system may be the only way to fix the problem. If the gap is smaller, though, dental bonding may just be enough to adequately close it so that a more even and aesthetically pleasing smile remains.

Why Should Gaps Between Teeth Be Closed?

Gaps that form between teeth are known to increase the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. This additional space makes it easy for bacteria and harmful food particles to become trapped. Without proper or timely removal, plaque and tartar can form and begin to break down the enamel, resulting in a cavity.

What is the Process of Applying Dental Bonding?

Before you can receive dental bonding, your dentist will need to evaluate the size of the gap and the condition of your teeth. If existing decay is present, it must be addressed before applying any cosmetic treatment. Generally, a dental filling will be enough to treat problem areas.

When it’s time to apply the dental bonding, a cosmetic dentist will begin by using a shade guide to color-match the composite resin used. This is a mixture of ultra-fine plastic and glass particles. Once it looks as close to your natural tooth enamel as possible, your dentist will gently etch the tooth’s surface so that the resin properly adheres when placed.

Using dental instruments, they will apply it to the enamel and sculpt it so that it fills in the gaps and appears natural. With the help of a curing light, the resin will harden within seconds, and your dentist will make any final adjustments before polishing your teeth to reveal a balanced smile free of unsightly gaps.

With proper care, you can expect your dental bonding to last between five and eight years before requiring retreatment. In the meantime, you can enjoy a more beautiful smile without enduring invasive or costly care – a factor that makes it a truly priceless way to enhance your appearance.

About the Author
Dr. Dave Lee is a trusted dentist in Fayetteville with more than three decades of experience. Working alongside his daughter, Dr. Lauren Lee Polito, the two provide cosmetic dental bonding for individuals who need help to treat minor imperfections, especially small gaps between teeth. If you are unhappy with your appearance and want to do something about the health and aesthetics of your smile, contact us at (770) 637-4680.