While eating hard candy or nuts, you aren’t paying attention and feel your perfect-looking tooth lose its cover. Perhaps your veneers are simply getting older now. No matter the circumstances, having a veneer fall off your tooth can be disconcerting and leave your smile flawed again.
Although durable veneers can last for 15 to 20 years with careful maintenance, they may come off prematurely. What should you do in this situation? Follow these steps to get your teeth looking pristine again.
Call Your Dentist Immediately
Although a failed veneer is not dangerous, you can consider it an urgent matter because the tooth becomes more vulnerable to infection and decay due to the reduce amount of enamel. As a result, you need to contact your dentist for an appointment as soon as possible. During this call, they can also give you instructions for handling the situation until you arrive for your appointment.
Gather and Store the Piece(s) of Veneer
Once your veneer has come off, don’t keep it in your mouth. It poses a choking hazard, and you don’t want to accidentally swallow it. Instead, put it in a container or bag and bring it with you to your appointment.
Eat Carefully
If you must eat before you see your dentist in person, be careful about the foods and beverages you have. For instance, cold, hot, or sugary substances could trigger sensitivity in the tooth, causing you unnecessary discomfort. If possible, avoid using that area of your mouth to bite and chew, cut your food into smaller pieces, or consider having softer foods to make it easier for your mouth.
Do Not Reattach Your Veneer
Although superglue is strong, it is not formulated for oral use and will cause more trouble than help. If you want a temporary fix to stop sensitivity and protect your tooth, you may apply some dental wax to the front surface.
Fix the Problem with Your Dentist
Depending on how and why your veneer failed, it may be salvageable. For instance, if it came off in one piece and is still in good condition, your dentist may be able to simply bond it back in place. However, if it is in multiple pieces or has sustained substantial damage or wear and tear, it will likely need to be replaced.
In the end, if this unfortunate scenario happens to you, you can follow these steps and get your smile back on track as quickly as possible. A failed veneer doesn’t have to take away your confidence and your perfect smile when you turn to your dentist for help.
About the Practice
At Sparkling Smiles Fayetteville, we don’t judge patients for the condition of their teeth. We simply focus on how we can help them fall in love with their smile again. Father and daughter duo, Dr. Dave Lee and Dr. Lauren Lee Polito have years of experience and training in cosmetic procedures and customize a treatment plan just for you. If your veneers may need replacement, contact our Fayetteville office online or call us at 770-679-2109 for an appointment today.